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Consent has both a noun meaning and a verb meaning, an individual must give consent and recieve consent. According to Google the definitions for consent are:

In order for there to be consent, both parties must agree to the terms. Their consent must be given by free will, choice, and is reversible at any moment of the process. An individual needs consent in order to have sex!

Video on Consent


Condoms are a latex barrier that works as a way to prevent sexually trasmitted disease and works as a contraceptive that helps prevent pregnancies. Condoms catchs semen which helps grealy in reducing the exchange of fluids between two people which is how it helps prevent pregnancies and STDs. Condoms are a great contraceptive as they are inexpensive, and readily available.

Video on Condoms

Resources at UH Manoa

Health Promotion Center - Provides services and resources on a variety of health and wellness topics. They also provide students with free condoms, and free lubricant!

PH: (808) 956-3574

Office Location: QLCSS building, room 313-D

UH Health Services Women’s Health Clinic – Provides annual exams, contraception, counseling, emergency contraception, vaccinations, Pap tests, Pregnancy tests (walk-ins), Sexual Health Education, STI/STD testing & treatment

PH: 808-956-6221

Website: Patient Access Portal Services

External Resources

Planned Parenthood - Provide services in the aims of promoting sexual awareness and information that range from STD testing, Birth Control, Abortions etc.
